
Chapter 8: Tang Monk encounters trouble in the Yellow Wind Cave.

From then on, Tang Monk had one more disciple. The three of them were not afraid of hardships and dangers, and traveled day and night to the west. That day, they came to a very steep mountain. Suddenly, a whirlwind blew. Sun Wukong let the wind pass, and grabbed the tail of the wind and smelled it. There was a fishy smell, and he said: “The smell of this wind indicates that there is either a fierce tiger or a monster nearby.”

He hadn’t finished speaking, when a spotted tiger jumped out from the slope, scaring Tang Monk to roll off his white horse. Bajie saw it, threw down his luggage, picked up his rake and hit it. Suddenly, the tiger stood up, stretched out its claws and scratched its chest, peeling off its tiger skin, and shouted: “I am the vanguard of the Yellow Wind Great King. Where are you monks from?”

Bajie had just explained their origin, when the demon turned around and took out two bronze knives from the rocks, and chopped at Bajie. The two of them fought on the slope. Sun Wukong saw it, took his golden cudgel and joined the fight. The demon saw that he was no match for them, rolled on the ground, turned back into a tiger and ran away. Sun Wukong and Bajie wouldn’t let him go, and quickly chased after him.

The demon saw that he couldn’t get away, so he used a trick of shedding his skin like a cicada. He peeled off his tiger skin with his claws, covered it on a lying tiger stone, and turned into a gust of wind and escaped. At the crossroads, he saw Tang Monk sitting alone at the crossroads. He grabbed Tang Monk and ran away on the wind.
