
Chapter 7: At Gao Laozhuang, Tang Monk recruits Zhu Bajie (Pigsy).

That day, it was getting dark, and they came to a village called Gao Lao Zhuang. Coincidentally, the village head Gao Taigong was looking for a mage who could catch monsters. Sun Wukong was very happy to hear that and said: “You don’t have to look anymore, I’m the one who specializes in catching monsters.”

It turned out that Gao Taigong had three daughters. The first two daughters had already married, and for the third daughter, he wanted to find a son-in-law who could support the family. Three years ago, a young man with a black and strong face came. He said he was from Mount Fuling, his surname was Zhu, and he wanted to be a son-in-law of the Gao family. The third daughter was quite satisfied with him, so Gao Taigong let them get married.

At first, this son-in-law was very diligent. He plowed the fields, harvested the crops, and did everything well. But after a while, he suddenly turned into a pig-headed monster. He ate three or five bushels of rice for a meal, and came and went on clouds and mists. For the past six months, he had locked the third daughter in the backyard and didn’t let anyone in.

Sun Wukong listened to Gao Taigong’s words, patted his chest and said: “I’ll catch this monster for sure. Tonight I’ll make him write a divorce letter and never touch your daughter again.” Gao Taigong asked him how many helpers he needed. Sun Wukong said: “None at all. Just take good care of my master.” Gao Taigong quickly did as he said.
